Saturday, 17 September 2016

Pooping in a fridge ft. Jeremy Kyle

So that just happened.
Today on 17th of September, on The Jeremy Kyle's shows youtube account a new video was published. In this episode of the show reveals a horrific story about a lunatic woman that accuses her sister and her daugthers with stealing twelve hundred pounds off of her which at first is not much of a crazy however what the show reveals later on truely is a spectacular event.

The women did take a lie detecting test which proved them not stealing the money, as sort of expected since from the beggining of the episoe we clearly saw how mental was the woman that accused them.

The lunatic had sent a voodo doll to the family through the mail and supposidely the doll actually worked as the suspected sister had several traumas straight after receiving the doll.

That in itself makes me wonder of how legit was the show itself as well, let's just say lightly, there is no such thing as magic. However, It is possible that anecdotal evidance is evidance enough in a specific situation, where placebo could take place, psyhology has a lot to do with it and it is absolutely possible that the woman really was affected by the doll mentally.

Now, after the claims about the stolen money were refuted, the next accusation rained, however this was rather a bizzare one, in fact a little bit of a nasty one. The loonie claimed that her family conspired and someone had pooped in her fridge, which to me is just pretty hard to imagine, i mean sure you could put poop into the fridge but makes you think It's actual human poop? Did she identify it as such? It's not very easy to poop literally IN a fridge, gotta be a very small fridge as welll and even more so why did she not photograph the incident if it were to happen? If she would have it would definitely make more of a compleing case.

So the family members all took a lie detecting test once more and it turned out to be... Yeah, well the very expected nobody failed and none of them were calling fridgepoopers, now for some reason they had a third lie detecting round, now what happened in that test was as boring as the previous one, so nobody was to blame.

Okay, so my huge problem with this whole thing is the testing. We ABSOLUTELY know, without a single shred of doubt, that lie detectors are not just unreliable, they literally do not work, most people who are into investigation and detectives know this very well. Specifically lie detectors are scientific fiction that took place in reality unfortunately, It's almost as if its a conspiracy, the governemt uses it because a huge part of the society has no idea they do not work.

So I guess with the knowledge that these detectors dont really work you now can draw some conclusions about the show and it's legitimacy. Anyways It was an interesting show I scrolled a bit through it as 20 minutes of this just isn't really worth anyones time.
pecae out

Saturday, 16 January 2016

How fast do you type? TEST


A question you might just be curious about, 
A question that makes your fingers tickle,
A question that makes you question yourself.

Obviously i'm exaggerating, fact of the matter is it doesn't really matter how fast you type, most people who are relatively young can type quite fast... Right? I mean it's not like it's a skill you have to develop by countless hours of hard labor that makes your muscle ache and sweat drip by liters... 

Typing is just a matter of how much time you have spent actually writing and how much really just is your natural speed, some people write really slow even though they do like 50 billion words a day on they're skype, facebook, twitter, etc.
Still a question i have in mind is, what is a good speed? Not what is AMAZING but really what is a good speed for a modern person who types in ENGLISH.

I honestly don't think it really matters but i guess there is some use to it what i've actually found on the webs is a website which allows you to test your speed capacity! 
It's called 10fastfingers and it's completely for free and it even has a ranking system which let's you see where you stand comparatively to other people typing, which is quite great. 

You can even make an ACCOUNT and follow on your progress and set high scores! FUN! 

Let's give it a go!

So here's my score doing it for the first and only time TODAY, also the computer i'm using right now is one i use VERY rarely. They keyboard is old and very bad in general, however, i have however probably taken like a hundred of theses tests in total! What i find interesting though is that over taking about 100 tests, i genuinely have not become faster... I'm sorry to say to me personally the website did not work for actually bettering of my typing. My typing has always been pretty fast, that's what you get for being a computer oriented person, i.e. a computer geek.

Over the days of doing this test i also realized that i have a very specific average speed, which is basically a 100 WPM (words per minute), the highest i went was about 126, i can't recall if i made a lot of mistakes though. However, it really is surprising how often i hit exactly 100 or 99, it was literally over half of the time, which is simply fascinating from a statistical point of view.

Either way, whether you care about your typing speed/correctness or not, you should give this a go, Also let me know in the comments below what was your speed!

Friday, 15 January 2016

A way to make some easy online cash.

If you opened this forum post because you though you'd find a revolutionary way to make huge amounts of money within a day... YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!

Just kidding! Of course, this is not some magical money making method like some gambling scam system or something...
What this is though is just a small opportunity to make an extra buck!
Plus... It might actually be really useful to you... 

The topic in hand today is PAYONEER REFER A FRIEND SYSTEM!

So Payoneer is an American financial service based in New York. 

Basically... It's a banking system. Payoneer has come in handy for me quite a bit... Simply because i needed some international, US friendly account i can receive money onto and payoneer was perfect. Dare i say... AMAZING. I'm not exaggerating honestly... So easy to receive money from any place in the world just really great, i mean it doesn't cost you to make an account and even receive the master card itself. 

But why is this relevant ? 

After some time, i had told a couple of my friends about this financial structure called Payoneer and several jumped on the boat since i explained to them the benefit of receiving international payments onto this account, i mean speed is great, commisions are low (unless you really want to speed it up) and most importantly, it's freaking simple. I mean an idiot, a complete idiot could use this, Payoneer is so simple anyone can use it.

Especially relevant for people who are in Europe, receiving money from the US.
FOR ANY PURPOSE, including if you make some cash online from some random websites, this will make your life in terms of receiving money 10x as easy as it has been before.

And how does Reffer a friend system allow you to make some extra cash?
They offer an amazing option of inviting a friend through a referal and once the new account created through this referal has received fund of a 100 $ or more, both of the customers, receive an additional 25$ gift. I've made a 100$ by virtually doing nothing... It's not gonna make you rich but you can invite as many friends as you like.

There's really no risk in this... You're gaining either way, wheter you find payoneer a useful card or not....

If you do want to try it, go ahead and use my referal. Remember... I get 25$ for each person and so does the person using a referal, it's a win-win situation.